Hello Everyone,
Ramadan Mubarak!
As usual some of you will be making your first fast today, and some on Sunday. I am fasting today. Every year I write a post related to Ramadan. This year I decided to write about getting ready for Ramadan. In other words deciding what YOU want to realistically this year during this blessed month. This is something I learnt from Islamiify Academy.
IMAGE DESCRIPTION: on the right is text that says Ramadan Mubarak, May Ramadan bring peace, prosperity, and blessings to you and your loved ones. Only the word Ramadan is in gold, the rest is white. On the left is a gold crescent moon and lanterns. All of this is on a dark blue background.What is Ramadan About?
Ramadan is a holy month for Muslims. Satan is locked up, so we are accountable for our own actions, our own good and bad deeds this month. It's a month where we fast, detox and cleanse the body and mind physically and Spiritually. Fasting is obligatory for everyone, except the underage, sick, traveller, pregnant, nursing women, menstruating, post-partum, elderly, terminally ill and those mentally incapable. Some people can't fast due to medical reasons.
It's a month where our good deeds are multiplied, where your prayers could be answered, where you give back to those that need it most. We have Taqwa, which isn't just a fear of Allah (SWT), or being aware of him always being there. It's a shield that protects you from anything that distances you from him. It's a mindset where you are constantly aware of his presence. It's a lifestyle where you live in a way that keeps you close to him and away from harm. We fast as a form of self-control from eating and drinking, our desires like anger, swearing/gossiping and other bad habbits. You becomes disciplined. Also it's one of the gates to enter heaven, the gate of Rayyan on the Day of Judgement. Ramadan is a reminder WE are safe with Allah (SWT), he has always been there for us. He is whatever we think he is.
The Qur'an:
Ramadan is when people try to read the most Qur'an, after all your rewards are multiplied for each letter you read. It's important to remember your intentions matter most. You intended to read it this month, it's alright if you haven't been able to finish it. We are all doing our best. The Qur'an is more than just a holy book. It has warnings to remind you to have faith and do good. It's a cure for your heart, a guide and mercy for the believes. The verses will give you what you need to hear, no matter what you are going through. Use it to help yourself this Ramadan, not just a book to finish by the end of the month.
Thoughts To Yourself:
This month figure out what is truly important to you. Ask yourself:
- What parts of me need healing?
- Why are you holding onto this hurt? What feels good about it?
- What hurt you?
- Who needs to be forgiven?
- What do YOU need to be forgiven for from Allah (SWT) and others?
- Why has Allah (SWT) blessed you with another Ramadan? What is he giving you?
- What does he want you to do?
- What can you use this month for?
- How cam you get closer to Allah (SWT)?
- What are you going to do to please him?
- What desires will you let go of?
- What are the usual actions you do that you'll move away from?
- Self-awareness will help you do your best this Ramadan
Steps To Take:
- Attach a time and place to the things you want to do. E.g. doing Dhikr after each prayer.
- Stack the habbits: after you do one, you'll do another like watch an Islamic video to increase your knowledge.
- Consistency is key: start small so you can actually do what you set out to do.
- Reflect on your creation. Who created you, how and why?
- Do Good Deeds: donate to charity, resttain your anger and be good to people.
- Rely on Allah (SWT). He loves those that turn to him.
- Have good intentions for your actions. You'll get rewarded even if you can't complete it.
- Focus on quality not quantity
- Prioritise essential tasks and identify the time-wasters
- Use time effectively with early mornings and late nights.
- Remember who Allah (SWT) is and everything he's done.
- Communicate with him via Duas.
- Make the most pf Layla Tul Qadr. The Night Of Glory could be any of the odd nights in the last 10 days. It's when the Qur'an was revealed. Use it to perform acts of workship, make dua. It's a night better than a thousand months. A night where your dua could change what was decreed for you.
- Mindfulness: pay attention in the present moment, choose where to put your attention, notice when your mind wonders to how you think it should be. Label the thoughts so you notice the types of thoughts you are thinking..
- When breaking your fast be present, self-aware, grateful AND eat slowly. Don't over indulge during suhoor and iftar, have what's good for you.
Final Thoughts:
There is no right way to do Ramadan. Everyone is different. Everyone has their own goals and intentions. For some it's about making sure you actually fast during the month, for others it's about their prayer, giving to charity or reading Qur'an. We all have things we need to work on. I think it's important to focus on yourself, what you know you need. Personally, this Ramadan is a month of healing for me, a "transformation" where there will be changes I make and changes that are out of my control. I WILL learn from it, adapt and be the person I am meant to be, reach my goals, aspirations and life I want.
If you would like to know more about making realistic choices this month, check out this video about how we overcomplicate it.
Thank you to Islamiify Academy for teaching me how to make the most of this month. Thank you to Anisa Kisoon for teaching me the Sunnah steps I can take in my life.
May this be one of the best Ramadans for you all yet. Ameen. Feel free to share this post with anyone who needs it.
Thanks for reading.
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