Saturday, 25 February 2023

Change Is On The Way

Hello Everyone,

Today's post is a life update for you all. It's been a while since I've written a post like this. I wanted to share with you all some of my plans for the year, both for this blog and life in general.

1. My Blog Platform:

If you've been following my blog for a while, you'll know I've been writing on and off since 2016. When, I first started I used Google Blogger to create this blog, at the time it was the only one I knew about. Since then, I've got my own domain (, thank you Google Domains!), so the blog is my website. However, I think it's time to move to Wordpress. Wordpress is the most popular platform people use for blogs with great features, such as a variety of must-have plug ins. I plan to transfer everything from my blog onto Wordpress, and make the most of the platform. 

2. My Content:

Over the years I've published a total of 47 posts on this platform! The content has ranged from sharing my experience at university to writing lifestyle and disability topics and reviews of exhibits and theatre shows I've been to. I've also discussed Ramadan and resources people can use, which is an important time of year for Muslims like myself. Finding ways to incorporate topics that relate to the Muslim community has been a work in progress. Yes I talk about Ramadan, but there's more to being Muslim than that. One of the reasons why I started this blog was because I didn't see any Blind or Visually Impaired content creators from ethnic minority communities. Majority of the well-known creators are white. Plus, sight loss isn't a topic that's usually discussed within these communities. I feel like my blog would be a good way to tackle this. 

Currently I have 4 posts in the works. One is about a topic that a lot of blind and visually impaired people can relate to, particularly those that have graduated from university. Any guesses on what that is? The others relate to a topic that Muslims come across at a certain point in their life. If you know, you know. This year, I'd like to share what it's like for a Muslim with a disability to go through this. Not to mention, provide an insight for developers and Blind and Visually Impaired Muslims themselves. 

3. My Life:

Towards the end of last year, I entered a new stage in my life. This year, I'll be navigating this new chapter. For me, 2023 will have a lot of changes to experience in my personal life. For one, I'll be moving out for the first time. Right now, I intend to just live in the moment during these changes in my life, learn and adapt. However, once things are more settled I'll write about it. To me, the changes I'll be going through this year would be useful topics for blind and visually impaired people like myself to know more about.

IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Quote by author Bob Goff that says "Embrace uncertainty. Some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives won't have a tittle until much late" in bold dark pink red letters with "Bob Goff, Author" in green underneath it, on the left-hand side. On the right is an image of green leaves and matching pink flowers spread diagonally. All of this is on a light pink background. 

That's all I wanted to share with you all today. I hope you enjoyed this life update from me. Feel free to comment below your plans for the year. Thanks for reading!



  1. Your life update post is refreshing! Change is inevitable, right? I'm also in a phase of reassessing things, especially my WordPress website. If anyone has some convincing reasons to get WordPress website support, I'd love to hear them.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
