
Friday, 15 October 2021

My White Cane Journey

 Hello Everyone,

It's white cane awareness day! 

To mark this occasion I thought it was time I tell you about my journey with the cane and why I love using it. After all, today is all about sharing why the cane is such a vital tool for visually impaired people! I'll also explain what the white cane means and the different types blind and visually impaired people use.  

Saturday, 28 August 2021

Do All Blind People Think The Same?

Hello Everyone,

This month I've decided to do the "Do Blind People Think The Same?" tag. It's a tag that originated from Jubilee's "Do All Blind People Think The Same?" video, with blind content creators Alisha B, James Rath, Lucy Edwards, Molly Burke, Christine Ha and Mario BondsIt's part of their spectrum series where they have a range of people from the same community answer questions and share their experiences. After the video was released, Cayla with a C created a Blind YouTuber tag about this, more blind and visually impaired creators answered the questions themselves and created a tag within the blind community. Sight loss is a spectrum, so people would have different experiences and viewpoints to the questions. I wasn't tagged, but I wanted to answer the questions anyway and give my two sense. Here's the video which started it all:

Sunday, 25 April 2021

Ramadan Resources

 Hello Everyone,

Ramadan Mubarak!

Since Ramadan has started I thought for this month's post I'd share some resources you could use, to make the most of the month itself. I'm not sure about you, but I start the month with high expectations, but don't end up doing as much as I hoped. Also regardless of whether you're working from home or not, it can be difficult to balance work and making the most of Ramadan. Which is why this post will have things you can use throughout the course of the month, to do that. 

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

The Aga Khan Centre

Hello Everyone, 

This month I've written about my experience at an audio described Open House tour at the Aga Khan Centre in London. It was organised by VocalEyes and took place before the pandemic and lockdown happened in the UK. I thought it would be nice to share something fun for blind and partially sighted people to do, you know once VocalEyes feel it's safe of course. Plus I thought it would be a nice place for people to visit once lockdown is over. Either way, if you like architecture, you should definitely look out for accessible opportunities like this!