
Monday, 2 November 2020

My Trip To Lanzarote

Hello Everyone,

This time last year I went on my first international trip with VICTA and Seable. Today I’ll tell you all about this trip. Plus explain what both these organisations are about. I know it's not safe to travel right now, but by the end of this post you'll learn why you should still check them out. Not to mention why Lanzarote is a great holiday destination. Keep reading to find out how visually impaired people go on holiday semi-independently. 

Saturday, 1 August 2020

Audio Description at Blenheim Palace

Hello Everyone,

Last summer I went to Blenheim palace near Oxford with my brother in law, sister, nephew and cousin. We got to have an audio described tour of the palace and see the gardens. It was the first time I had used an audio description handset during a tour. Today I’ll talk about my thoughts on using the guide and the tour. To find out how accessible the handset was, check out my review on the RNIB website.

Monday, 1 June 2020

Cooking With a Disability

Hello Everyone,

I've been doing a lot of cooking recently. By a lot I mean I've cooked 5 times this month, making 4 different types of dishes. Plus a few desserts here and there. So, today's post is about how I cook with a visual impairment. Hopefully the tips I share can help you, regardless of whether you have a disability or not. I'll be using photos from the time I made chicken cous cous as examples. 

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Disability, Trust and Vulnerability

Hello Everyone,

This post is about the topic of trust. Mainly, the fact that blind and partially sighted people need to trust others more than the average person. But it's also about how we shouldn't let this impact our safety. In other words, there should be a way to not put yourself in a more vulnerable situation, just because you need to trust the other person has your best interest at heart.

Sunday, 26 January 2020

Accessibility In Bangladesh

Hello Everyone,

Last month I went to Bangladesh for the first time in years. I loved it! This post is about accessibility in Bangladesh, or lack there of. It's about the differences from the UK. Everyday aspects of people's lives that you don't hear about. This post doesn't reflect what living with sight loss would be like for the entire population. Just a particular class. But I hope you enjoy it anyway.