
Friday, 6 December 2019

Five Things I Love About Being Visually Impaired

Hello Everyone,

This month's post is inspired by Molly Burke's videos where she talks about the things she loves about being blind. In Molly's video she talks about the 10 thibgs, but I could only think of 5. I've been a fan of Molly for a while. She's one of the most well known visually impaired creatives or influencers out there, but she's also a successful motivational speaker. When you've been visually impaired your whole life it becomes normal to you, part of your everyday life. Yes there are things that suck, makes life more inconvenient at times, but there are some perks to it. So here's my list of what I love about living with sight loss!

Thursday, 31 October 2019

A Letter To My Younger Self

Hello Everyone,

Like the title suggests this post is a letter to my younger self, 16 to be exact. I've seen quite a few videos and posts like this and always found what people wanted to tell a past version of themselves quite interesting. 
IMAGE DESCRIPTION: image of the wirds "A letter to my younger self" in dark black capitals on the right, on a cream background. On the left-hand side is some white flowers in a glass vase

Sunday, 8 September 2019

My Skin Care Routine

Hello Everyone,

As you can tell from the tittle this blog post is about my skin care routine. I'm no beauty blogger but I've seen a lot of posts about skin care and I like watching videos about othet people!s skin care routines. So I thought why not give it a go myself. An alternative title for this post should be "The Body Shop Vitamin E Range" because these are the products I use, but this isn't a review post. So if you want to know more about the Vitamin E range then keep reading. I talk about what I use, why I have this routine and how I learnt these products were right for me.

Friday, 21 June 2019

Manga Exhibit at the British Museum

Hello Everyone,

On Saturday 8th of June I went to my first audio described tour, of the Cti Manga exhibition at the British Museum, by Vocal Eyes describer Lonny Evans and the exhibit curator Nicole. Vocal Eyes is a charity that ensures blind and partially sighted people can use audio description to experience and enjoy the theatre, museums and architecture the same way as everyone else. I've written an introductory review about my experience for people who are unfamiliar with manga, which you can find on the Vocal Eyes website. This post is a follow up review with more information for people who are fans of anime and manga. I’ve also included some pictures I took of some of the pieces you’ll see if you do decide to go to the exhibit yourself.

Sunday, 5 May 2019

Ramadan Goals

Hello Everyone,

Ramadan is the most blessed month of the year for Muslims. For 30 days we have the opportunity to develop our connection to Allah (SWT), the message in the Qur'an and understand the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed (SWS). It's a month of fasting, reflection, sacrifice and generosity for 29 to 30 days, depending on the fighting of the moon. As a blessed month Ramadan is divided into three stages: Mercy (days 1-10), Forgiveness (days 11-20) and Safety (days 21-30). The last 10 days of the month also has a night of power called Layla Tul Qadr, where your act of worship is equivalent to 84-years of worship. For more information about why Ramadan is the most rewarding month for us Muslims, click here.  This blog post is about what I want to do to make the most of the month. Oh and to keep myself happy and healthy.

Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Ideas, Birthdays & Careers


I know it's been a few months since my last post. This one is just a quick life update about ideas I've had for this blog and what I've been up to.

Sunday, 17 February 2019

Phantom Of The Opera

Hello Everyone!

Last week I went to see Phantom Of the Opera with a group of visually impaired people at Her Majesty's Theater in London. A friend of mine, told me about this Facebook group of  visually impaired people who organise theater trips around the UK. This was my first time meeting some of the members of the group (I only knew 1 person), but it was a great day out. Today's blog post is about this day out. Along with my experience of using audio description for the first time at the theater. 

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Decluttering My Bedroom

Hello Everyone!

I've recently finished watching the new Netflix show, Tidying Up With Marie Kondo, a show I din't think I'd be interested in but soon found that it made me want to declutter my entire room. So today I'll be talking about using the Konmari method to tidy my bedroom, which took about two weeks to do. I'll also include a few before and after photos. Unfortunately I didn't take any footage of my folding, but I think the show does a good job of explaining how to do it anyway. Now let's get started!

Saturday, 19 January 2019

2019: The Year Of Trying New Things

Hello Everyone

Happy New Year!

Yes...I know it's the middle of January, but you can say "Happy New Year" up until the end of the month right? Yes, no, maybe so?

Anyways greetings aside, this post is just a quick summary of what I did last year and what I've been up to since my last post. It's also about the "New Years Resolutions"/"Goals" I've set for myself, or lack there of. I'll explain why later.