
Sunday, 18 November 2018

Let's Talk About Post-Uni Blues


I know it's been a long time since I last made a post on here. The truth is that after finishing my exams and attending graduation I was hit with what people call "post-uni blues" or "post-uni depression". I think there's a lot of content on the Internet about how to overcome this. But I don't think people actually address what it's like being in that stage of your life, where you're figuring out what to do after finishing your degree. Which is why I thought I would share my experience of going through this. Maybe there are some of you that are going through it right now, and need to know someone else can relate. Or maybe you've gotten past it and want to reflect on it, with hindsight. Perhaps you're in your final year and want to know what happens next? Either way I hope you find this an interesting read.

Monday, 30 April 2018

Turning Twenty One

Hello Everyone,

I hope you're all well. April has been a busy month for me, filled with deadlines, a dissertation and a day out here and there. Oh and my birthday. Instead of giving you a monthly recap post, I thought I'd talk about how I'm 21 now and will be finishing my BA soon. This post is about 21 things I want to do whilst I enter the real world and have a break from Higher Education. After all I do want to do an MA in the future and maybe a PHD. Still deciding on that one though. Here's my list of 21 things:

Saturday, 31 March 2018

March Mayhem

Hello Everyone,

This month's blog post is just a quick life update. And I do mean quick because I haven't done much.

1. UCU Strike- In the UK there has been a nation wide strike accross various universites. There are various reasons behind it and one of them is the fact that Lecturers and Academics are having their pensions affected. It's far from what was originally promised. For more information click here. As a result I've had quite a few classes cancelled but all in the name for a good cause. Accademics are doing what they can to get their voices heard. I fully support that. I've been using that time to worknon my dissertation.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Snow Struggles


I know I'm very late with my February post. The truth is I've been quite busy with life and there hasn't been much to write about. So today I thought I'd do a quick post about the snow. Yes it is snowing in the UK in February and March.

I haven't had much experience navigating in the snow. Bit as a visually impaired person I think the sight of snow can be both pretty and petrifying. Here's a few reasons why:

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

January: Looking Back and Looking Forward

Hello Everyone,

I hope you're well. For this month's blog post I won't be talking about any new years resolutions, or a look back at 2017. Instead I'll be discussing some changes I've noticed about myself over the last year or so. What I've been up to. Along with what will be happening in the upcoming months. I'll try to keep this one short and simple. I know I say that every time, but it's easier said than done.