
Monday, 30 October 2017

October Overview


Since I've been quite busy this month I haven't been able to upload on here. I'm saving a post I had in mind for another time. In this post I'll provide you with an insight into what I've been up to, a life update.

To begin with my first week back at uni didn't get off to a good start. No, this isn't about me getting Freshers flu from a group of Freshers. It's about me injuring myself walking to the station. I'll save the details for another post, but in summary a combination of having a bad vision day, uneven pavements and seeing other people walking caused me to trip and bruise my ankle. I took an uber he, emailed my lecturer, rested my foot for the day and did some reading. During the rest of the week I took a taxi to university, got stuck in traffic on these 2 hour journeys and ended  up late for my classes. On Friday that same week I had a meeting, so I booked a taxi 2 hours early, lesson learnt except we were able to dodge the traffic, arrivinv 1 hour early! I think #firstworldproblems is appropriate for moments like this.

Following that incident I threw out my black boots from Clarks, my university shoes that I've had similar incidents in. I'm npw on the hunt for shoes for people with small feet (UK 3.5) and narrow ankles. If you have any advice on where to purchase shoes like this please let me know. Oh and O'm also being dropped off to the station. 

In terms of academia itself, I'm enjoying my option modules, have made progress with my dissertation and tomerate my compulsary module. I guess you win some, you loose some? I've decided on the questions I want to do for my assignments for these option modules which is good. Aside from keeping up with my readings; trying to get them done early alongside writing notes, I wrote an essay for my compulsary module seminar. It was a gamble picking a topic we haven't studied yet. 1900 words in 2 days! My dissertation is about how Visually Impaired students experience social life at university. I have somewhat of an introduction, literature review, methods in mind and am writing a proposal. Exciting stuff. 

Lastly let's have a look at what I've been doing outside of studying.  A little writing, meetings, watching shows and some form of socialising. By writing I'm referring to a few book reviews I wrote for CEN8, the creative charity at my university. I won't be able to continue with those but I'm looking forward to helping out in other ways. As for meetings I'm a Department Representitive for BA Sociology, so I've been going to meetings with staff, other student reps in the department and meeting other reps from other departments at a monthly meeting. There are so many of us! I also enjoy wearing the hoodie I get as part of the role. I l'm upto date with Riverdale andahave an idea of what Fall season anime to catch up on. I've also been looking at graduate opportunities, applied for one and need to prepare for the rest. I know I want to go into the research field, not necesserily in a policy making msnner but applying what I do. I want to work for a few years, get some life experience and do an MA in the future. I want to be known for my work, have a book in my name published. There's a vast amount of roads I could take to get there, I just need to find the one right for me.  Lastly, with socialising I've gone to dinner with some family, had a skype chat with a friend, seen people around on campus, mainly talked to people before classes started and sometimes in seminars. I'm getting tiered of this repetitive doing my work, seeing people in lectures, talkimg about solely university, watching shows at home cycle I've become so accustomed to. I know I need to work om escaping this shell of mine. I'm working on that. 

So that's all I've been upto this month. I hope you enjoyed this post.
